
Poweriso file format is invalid or unsupported
Poweriso file format is invalid or unsupported

poweriso file format is invalid or unsupported

tried to download autoboot repair disc such as : Nintendo's Official Wii BackUp Disk v1.31, wii-ntsc-systemmenu-v289, update-menu-for-ntsc, AnyTitle_Deleter_iso_autoboot. Tried sports resort, mario galaxy, smash bros, and a bunch of others all would play but none would update system. Now im thinking "just get game with newer update" and no matter what i try it just loads the game and plays without asking to update and even able to use internet gameplay. So i put in Twilight Princess and the hack or gamesave has been deleted and cant reinstall twilight hack. while in recovery mode it displays 3.2u and when games are inserted you can play. So i modded a gamecube controller and now can boot the wii to recovery mode. Tried holding reset for preloader and no response. so now when wii is powered on it goes directly to a SYSTEM FILES ARE CORRUPT ERROR !!!. they say it was softmodded with twilight and they were installing a 3.2 menu skin or theme and boom, brick. Hi i do repair for pawnshops in my local area and some one brought me a bricked wii for repair.

Poweriso file format is invalid or unsupported